Week 3 Conditions Week 3 Conditions

Here is my if...else:
5 plus 5 equals 10

Here is my if...elseif..else:
Today is Saturday! Time to Go Home!

Here is my Switch case:
Sunday is to really do some home work

These are the conditions that we worked on in class and the first php code we have a If...else, and that we do a simple 5 plus 5 equals 10. and if it doesnt equal that then we just say a simple it doesnt equal. Our second if...elseif...else we used from our class and used the days of the week for studying. It goes down the list and then see if we should go home and relax, then we get a response back. Our last condition is our switch case and it goes through the days of the week as well, and it also goes through the days of the week and like our last condition, it will go through with actual sentences with every case and we can see what we will get.